From time to time as a business, you will find yourself in a situation where you need to deal with local authorities and government departments.
Here at Pickering & Butters we have a dedicated team ready to help you with a range of issues. Dealing on a daily basis with the public sector, and having established close relationships with planning and other authorities throughout the region, means we can deliver a cost effective service that’s highly efficient.
Dealing with authorities can be a time consuming business, so in handing over to our team, you’ll find a weight lifted. We can advise on all types of public sector services, including:
- Planning and infrastructure agreements
- Lawful Development Certificates
- Compulsory purchases
- Compulsory purchase compensation claims
- Existing use rights
- Listed building and conservation area consents
- Land disposal
- Highways and highway closure
For tailored legal advice on any public service issue, please get in touch with our Staffordshire solicitors in Stafford and Rugeley.